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Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning (IRAP)


Institutional Research, Assessment & Planning (IRAP) is dedicated to helping Lane Community College achieve its mission through research, reporting, planning and assessment activities. 


We value the well-being and diversity of Lane's community and work with Lane's Board of Education, employees, students, and the public to meet their information needs. IRAP strives to provide prompt, positive, reliable and respectful service. IRAP team members develop and apply their skills and abilities through collaborative efforts. We value open and clear communication. We value the integrity of information and its representation. 


  • To provide accurate and official information.
  • To be a resource of expertise in research, assessment, and planning (including methodology, analysis, interpretation, and communication of information).
  • To conduct or coordinate appropriate and necessary studies and analyses that contribute to
    • advancing student learning and student goal achievement.
    • a better understanding of Lane's students, programs, and the community.
  • To actively support initiatives and ongoing systems and to collaborate with internal partners.
  • To represent IRAP and Lane on state-wide, regional, and national committees or groups when necessary.
  • To continually review and upgrade skills, knowledge and processes, and to use appropriate technology and methods to enhance the services we provide

Institutional Research, Assessment & Planning (IRAP) Staff

Craig Taylor, email, (541) 463-5364
Director of Institutional Research, Assessment & Planning (IRAP)
Building 3, Rm 117

Sylvia Sandoz, email, (541) 463-5779
Technology Analysis & Design Specilalist  
Building 3, Rm 117

Elaine Marsh, email, (541) 463-5576
Administrative Specialist
Building 3, Rm 114

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Lane Community College - Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning
4000 East 30th Ave., Eugene, OR 97405
Phone: (541) 463-5576 | Fax: (541) 463-3970
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Revised 9/30/11 (mmw)
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2011 Site Archive